UNIX Useful Commands

UNIX Useful Commands

1) How to get memory details in Oracle Sun Solaris

prtdiag | grep -i mem

2) How to  get CPU & core details in Oracle Sun Solaris
psrinfo -pv

3) How to get no of core details in Oracle Sun Solaris

kstat cpu_info|grep core_id|sort -u|wc -l

--- OS --------------------------

CPU -> psrinfo -v

Memory -> prtconf | grep "Memory size"

4) Find whether OS is 64/32 Bit Kernel in UNIX.

uname -a

5) Find free physical memory in UNIX.

free -m

6) Find CPU details in UNIX.

cat /proc/cpuinfo

7) Find files modified within specific time.

find . -mtime -3 (modified less than 3days ago)

8) command used to alter file permissions.

chmod 777 abc.txt

9) Command used to reset the Ownership.

chown oracle:dba abc.txt

10) command used to set, or reset, the users login password.

Passwd OSUsername

11) Kill specific process in UNIX.

Kill -9 processid

12) Command used for display last given lines of a file.

tail -n alert_PROD.log

13) Command used for intall a rpm package.

rpm -ivh packagename.rpm

14) Command used to querry about any rpm package

rpm -q packagename

15) Command to Check the server up time


16) Command to check the file versions

strings -a <filename> |grep ‘$Header’

17) Command will keep ‘n’ number of days files and remove rest of file.

find . -mtime +n -exec rm  {} \; &

18) Basic commands for  vi editor

i   :- insert before cursor.

l   : insert begining of the line.

a  :- append after the cursor.

A  :- Append at the end of the line.

o :- insert a blank line below the cursor.

O :- insert a blank line above the cursor position.

h :- from current position one char towards left .

I :- from current position one char towards right.

j :- from current position one line towards down.

k :- from current position one line towards up.

Shift+g  :- go to end of the file.

Shift+:1 :- go to top of the file.

dd –> delete the ful line.

:q! —> closing the file without saving any changes.

:wq! –> save the changes and force close.

:w –> to save the changes without closing the file.


17+ years of experience in Oracle Database, Oracle Cloud Infrastructure(OCI), Oracle EBS on Cloud, Oracle E-Business Suite, DevOps tools, Oracle WebLogic, Oracle Application Server, Oracle Access Manager and various Operating System flavors including Redhat Linux, UNIX (Solaris, HP-UX) and Windows. Expert in Oracle9i/10g/11g/12c/19c database administration, upgrade, configuration and tuning. Experience in Oracle E-Business Suite technological stack, including architecture, installation, configuration, maintenance, tuning, cloning and patching procedures. Expert in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure(OCI), Oracle EBS On Cloud and Oracle EBS Cloud Manager Experience with Oracle Cloud Solution and Expert of Oracle ERP/Oracle HCM Cloud deployment Experience in Terraform, JSON and chef cloud infrastructure automation framework Knowledge of ASM, Data Guard, Real Application Cluster, Exadata and Exalogic Knowledge of Oracle Enterprise Manager(OEM) Grid Control, Oracle WebLogic, Oracle Internet Directory, Oracle Access Manager and Apache Ability to analyze problem, develops solutions and bring program/project execution to completion.

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