Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Hands-On Lab for Provision the Oracle EBS Environment and then Lift & Shift

Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Hands-On Lab for Provision the Oracle EBS Environment and then Lift & Shift

Exercise 1: Sign Up and Log in to Your Trial Tenancy

Purpose: In this exercise, you will sign up for and log in to your private Oracle Cloud Infrastructure trial account.
1.1 Sign Up for a Trial Account
1. From your laptop, go to and click “Start for free”.
2. On the Oracle Cloud Sign Up page, enter the requested information including your desired tenancy name and tenancy password.
3. Review your details and click Submit. Note: Ensure that you use the same email address used when you registered.
You will be directed to the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure console where you will execute the remainder of the lab.

Exercise 2: Create Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Network Resources

A Virtual Cloud Network is made up of the following components.

•Route Tables
•Internet Gateways
•Dynamic Routing Gateways (DRG)
•Security Lists
•DHCP Options
•Local Peering Gaateways
•Service Gateways

This can sound a little confusing if you are not familiar with networking, but you can use defaults for most things, so you don't need to be a networking expert to try it out.

a) Log into the Oracle Cloud Trail Account.
b) Use the top-left menu to select the "Networking > Virtual Cloud Networks" option.
c) Select the compartment you want to create the network in, or you can do this in the following screen. Click on the "Create Virtual Cloud Network" button
select the compartment you want to create the VCN in, give it a name and select the "CREATE VIRTUAL CLOUD NETWORK PLUS RELATED RESOURCES" option.

The contents of the popup will change, listing the default configuration that will be created. You will need to scroll down and click the "Create Virtual Cloud Network" button.

You are directed straight to the Virtual Cloud Network Details page. Notice the network components that have been created for you by default.

From the Virtual Cloud Networks page you now have a VCN in your compartment.

it including creation of VCN, internet gateway, subnets, route tables, security lists, and security rules

2.1 Create VCN
Create a VCN using the create Button
VCN Will contain the required subnets and the required internet gateways for connection
2.2 Create Subnets
Use the Create Subnets to created the desired Subnets
For Cloud manager we will create 2 subnets
  1 for cloud manager
1 for the Loadbalancer

Subnet for LB
The Subnet for lb will host our load balancer for the Cloud Manager
Cloud Manager Subnet
Create a subnet for the cloud manager
The cloud manager will reside in this subnet

Internet Gateway
To allow egress and ingress of data your vcn will require the internet gateway,
Create an internet gateway and attach the gateway by using the route table

Assigning the internet gateway
Either you can create a new route table and attach the instance
Either attach the gateway to the current routes which have been applied to you subnet
We will use the current available routes as we have attached the same
Adding Routes to internet gateway IGW

Exercise 3: Create Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Compute Instance

3.1 In the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure console navigation menu, under Core Infrastructure, select Compute >Instances.
3.2 then Select the compartment under List Scope, choose root from the COMPARTMENT drop-down list
3.3 Change the Image to Desired "Select Cloud Manager Image"
3.4 Select Desired Shape/NW/Storage
3.5 Creating the SSH Keys
ssh-keygen -t rsa
Use the above command to generate the public and the private key

The public keys will be used by the oracle cloudmanager instance and will be uploaded
The private key will be used by the user to signin to the system
3.6 Upload The public key
3.7 create the instance button

Exercise 4: Create Account, Login & Generate SSH keys to Cloud manger VM Compute Machine

Converting the Keys to Use in putty
• Install and use the puttygen to convert the key
• Using Conversion menu,import the private key and save the private key in the ppk format

Using Putty to sign in to Cloud Manager
• Use the public ip address
• Click on the SSH and then the Auth
• Assign the ppk
• And Click open

Login to the Cloud Manager Machine
• The default user is opc
• Provide the password for you key
• You Should be in the system.

Exercise 5: Oracle OCI Api Keys Creation and Integration(import and add the key to OCI user)

Switch to the oracle user
sudo su – oracle
• Create a directory .oci
mkdir .oci

Api Keys
• Create the keys for API
– Note these are not you SSH Keys
– These keys are used for the integration of the api
openssl genrsa -out oci_api_key.pem 2048
openssl rsa -pubout -in oci_api_key.pem -out ocipub.pem

Change Permission to 600
• Change the permission of the key to 600 which means only you will be able read the keys

Import the key in OCI Local User
• Cat the public key cat ocipub.pem
• Copy and use it in your local account public keys

Adding the key to the Oracle OCI account

• Choose the identity User
• Find your user and add the key

Adding the key
• Note the user cannot be a federated user
• The User should have proper previleges
• The User should either be a part of the Administrators group or should be elevated user

Add API Keys
• Click the add Button
• Paste the key you copied from the cat command here
• Done you have now the user keys for authentication of the api’s

Exercise 6: Cloud Manager Configuration

Configure the cloud manager
• While in the oracle user
• Run the following commands
While still connected through your SSH client to your Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Compute instance, perform the following steps:
1. As the oracle user, run the script:
sudo su - oracle
cd /u01/install/APPS/apps-unlimited-ebs/bin
$ perl

Log File : /u01/install/APPS/apps-unlimited-ebs/out/configure_2019-12-17_06_21_51.log

                        Configuring Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager VM 19.3.1

                        This is a fresh install.

                        Enter Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Admin Password                       : *************
                        Enter Absolute Path to API Private Signing Key                                   : /u01/install/APPS/.oci/oci_api_key.pem
                        Enter Tenancy OCID                                                               : **************
                        Validating OCI Credentials. Please wait.

                        Do you wish to use an existing Load Balancer?

                        1: Yes
                        2: No

                        Enter your choice: 2

                        Choose Load Balancer Visibility Type:

                        1: Public
                        2: Private

                        Enter your choice: 1

                        1: 10Mbps-Micro
                        2: 100Mbps
                        3: 400Mbps
                        4: 8000Mbps

                        Choose Load Balancer Shape from above list: 2

                        Available List of Subnets:

                        Regional ( recommended ):
                        1: ebsapps_subnet
                        2: ebsdb_subnet
                        3: lb_subnet
                        4: new_lb_subnet

                        Choose subnet from above list: 4

                        Enter Load Balancer Listener Port                                                : 8443
                        Enter CIDR Block (Range) from which Client can Access Load Balancer Listener Port:

                        Summary of Inputs
                        Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager User Name ( Non Federated )           : *********
                        Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager User OCID ( Non Federated )           : **********
                        Fingerprint of API Public Key                                               : ec:17:72:cb:11:15:2f:30:ac:52:27:3a:b2:ab:8e:e7
                        Path to Private PEM key file                                                : /u01/install/APPS/.oci/oci_api_key.pem
                        Tenancy OCID                                                                : **********
                        Region                                                                      : us-ashburn-1
                        Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager VM Compartment Name                   : cloudl123
                        Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager VM Compartment OCID                   : ******
                        Network Compartment Name                                                    : cloud123
                        Network Compartment OCID                                                    : *******
                        Network VCN Name                                                            : ebs_cloud_network
                        Network VCN OCID                                                            : *********
                        Use an existing Load Balancer                                               : false
                        Load Balancer Listener Port                                                 : 8443
                        CIDR Block (Range) from which Client can Access Load Balancer Listener Port :
                        Load Balancer Visibility Type                                               : Public
                        Load Balancer Shape                                                         : 100Mbps
                        Load Balancer Subnet Name                                                   : new_lb_subnet
                        Load Balancer Subnet OCID                                                   : *******
                        Load Balancer Subnet CIDR                                                   :

                        Do you wish to continue?

                        1: Yes
                        2: No

                        Enter your choice: 1

                        Database Schema is already configured. No action needed.

                        Setting up Load Balancer for Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager VM. This may take a few minutes. Please wait.

                        Checking Security Lists of LBaaS Subnet, new_lb_subnet
                        ERROR: The ingress Security Rule does not exist with source and port 8443. Ensure that there is rule defined.
                        Checking Security Lists of Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager VM Subnet, cloudmanager_subnet with source CIDR
                        ERROR: The ingress Security Rule does not exist with source and port 8081. Ensure that there is rule defined.
                      Load Balancer cloud-manager-prov-vm-lbaas configuration completed. Its not ready to use until user adds needed rules as per above mentioned errors, if any.
                        Register confidential application in IDCS with the URL: and then re-run this script to update your IDCS configuration.

Exercise 7: IDCS Configuration - Register Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager as a Confidential Application

1. As the Tenancy Administrator, log in to the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure console.
2. In the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure console menu, under Governance and Administration, navigate to Identify > Federation.
3. Click on the link next to Oracle Identity Cloud Service Console.
4. Click on your user avatar menu in the top right corner. This will display a drop-down menu.
5. Select Admin Console. This will display the IDCS Administration Console.
6. In the top right of the Applications tile, click the icon to Add an Application.
7. Select Confidential Application. This takes you to the Add Confidential Application page.
8. On the Details screen, enter the following:
a. Name: Enter Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager
b. Description: Enter a description.
c. Click Next.
9. On the Client screen:
a. Select Configure this application as a client now.
b. Under Allowed Grant Types, select the following check boxes:
i. Client Credentials
ii. Refresh Token
iii. Authorization Code
c. Redirect URL: <Cloud_Manager_URL>/cm/auth/callback
d. Logout URL: Leave this field empty.
e. Post-Logout Redirect URL: <Cloud_Manager_URL>/cm/ui/index.html?root=login
f. Select the Introspect option for Allowed Operations.
g. Under Grant the client access to Identity Cloud Service Admin APIs:
i. Click Add.
ii. Select Identity Domain Administrator and Me in the pop-up window.
iii. Click Add again.
h. Click Next.
10. On the Resources screen, click Next.
11. On the Web Tier Policy screen, click Next.
12. On the Authorization screen, click Finish.

Make a note of the following values (under Client_ID and Client_Secret, respectively) when they are displayed in a pop-up window:
Client ID
Client Secret
13. Click Close.
14. Click Activate to activate the Confidential Application.
15. Identify your IDCS Client Tenant by selecting the first element of the URL in your browser. Record this URL as Client_Tenant.
Your IDCS Client Tenant begins with the characters idcs- and then is followed by a string of numbers and letters,
for example, idcs-6572bfeb183b4becad9e649bfa14a488.

Continue Exercise 6 after Exercise 7: Cloud Manager Configuration - Finalize the Configuration

While still connected through your SSH client to your Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Compute instance, perform the following steps:
1. As the oracle user, run the script again:
$ cd /u01/install/APPS/apps-unlimited-ebs/bin
$ perl

                        Log File : /u01/install/APPS/apps-unlimited-ebs/out/configure_2019-12-17_07_33_43.log

                        Configuring Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager VM 19.3.1

                        This is a fresh install.

                        Enter Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Admin Password                       : *************
                        Enter IDCS Client ID                                                             : *************
                        Enter IDCS Client Secret                                                         : *************
                        Enter IDCS Client Tenant                                                         : *************

                        Summary of Inputs
                        IDCS Client ID                                                              : *************
                        IDCS Client Secret                                                          : *************
                        IDCS Client Tenant                                                          : *************
                        IDCS Host                                                                   :

                        Do you wish to continue?

                        1: Yes
                        2: No

                        Enter your choice: 1

                        Database Schema is already configured. No action needed.

                        Load Balancer cloud-manager-prov-vm-lbaas is already configured. No action needed.

                        Configuring IDCS

                        Stopping Node and Job Server if running.
                        Starting Node and Job Server.
                        Uploading cookbooks
                        Finished Configuring Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager VM.
                        Login URL :
                        Ensure the confidential application is correctly configured in IDCS as per the documentation.

A Login URL is then displayed on the screen. This is the URL by which users will access the Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager UI.
Save this Login URL which you will use in Provision the Fresh EBS Environment and then lift and shift activity

Log in to Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Using the Login URL generated previously, Once logged in, you are on the Environments page.

Exercise 8: Create the Network for the Oracle E-Business Suite Environments

Purpose: Create a network and network profile, and upload the profile to use in provisioning your Oracle E-Business Suite environments.

1 Create Default Network and Network Profiles Using
2. While still connected as the oracle user, run $ cd /u01/install/APPS/apps-unlimited-ebs/bin $ perl
3. The screen will display the name of the log file for this session in the format ProvisionOCINetwork_<Date_and_Time_Stamp>.log:
4. After a list of the subnets to be created is displayed, you will be prompted to select Y to proceed or N to exit. Enter Y: Enter Y to proceed or N to exit: Y
5. You will now enter your details,

-bash-4.2$ perl

Program: started at Tue Dec 17 10:10:48 2019
Log File : /u01/install/APPS/apps-unlimited-ebs/out/ProvisionOCINetwork_Tue_Dec_17_10_10_48_2019.log

This script will be creating following subnets
EBS subnet 1: This subnet will be used in One-Click Provisioning to deploy Single Image EBS VM. For Advanced Provisioning this subnet will be used to deploy EBS apps tier VM.
EBS subnet 2: This subnet will be used in Advanced Provisioning to deploy EBS db tier VM.
LBaaS subnet: This subnet will be used for Advanced Provisioning and One-Click Provisioning to deploy Load Balancer.

Enter Y to proceed or N to exit: Y

Enter user ocid: ***************
Enter absolute path of private key of API signing key: /u01/install/APPS/.oci/oci_api_key.pem
Enter tenancy ocid: **************

Validating user and fetching OCI metadata...

Enter unique identifier for the EBS network: ebsenvnetwork
Input value can only contain 10 characters.
Enter unique identifier for the EBS network: ebsenvnet
Enter EBS subnet 1 CIDR (E.g.
Enter EBS subnet 2 CIDR (E.g.
Enter LBaaS subnet CIDR (E.g.

Are you sure you want to proceed with the above inputs? [Y/N]: Y

Creating network for EBS with unique identifier ebsenvnet
Executing command: /u01/install/APPS/bin/terraform init
Executing command: /u01/install/APPS/bin/terraform apply -auto-approve
Creating network profile /u01/install/APPS/apps-unlimited-ebs/ebsenvnet_networkprofile.txt

Creating ingress Security Rule with source and port 443 for Security List Default Security List for ebs_cloud_network.

Creating ingress Security Rule with source and port 443 for Security List Default Security List for ebs_cloud_network.

Oracle EBS Cloud related network created successfully.

List of resources created:

Program: completed at Tue Dec 17 10:26:28 2019
Advanced Network Profile JSON Path: /u01/install/APPS/apps-unlimited-ebs/build/ebsenvnet/ebsenvnet_DEFAULT_PROFILE_ADVANCED.json
OneClick Network Profile JSON Path: /u01/install/APPS/apps-unlimited-ebs/build/ebsenvnet/ebsenvnet_DEFAULT_PROFILE_ONECLICK.json
Execute /u01/install/APPS/apps-unlimited-ebs/bin/ to Upload JSON into DB

6. Upload Network Profile Definitions Using

Now you will run the upload script for the One-Click Provisioning default network profile.

1. While still connected as the oracle user, run the script: $ perl

2. The screen will display the name of the log file for this session in the format ProvisionOCINetwork_<Date_and_Time_Stamp>.log,

3. You will now enter your details,

substituting your own values for the example values shown:
Enter Network Profile JSON File Absolute Path : <Copy from OneClick Network Profile JSON Path output by the previous command>
Enter User OCID : <Cloud_Manager_Admin_User_OCID>
Enter Absolute path of private key of API signing key : <OCI_API_Key_Path>
Enter Tenancy OCID : <Tenancy_OCID>
Enter Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Admin Password : < Cloud_Manager_Admin_Password>

4. When a profile has been updated, you will see a success message. Executing:

 ebscm_add_default_network_profile API for DEFAULT_PROFILE_ONECLICK  Executing Stored Procedure: ebscm_add_default_network_profile RetCode: 0 Row count: 0 ONECLICK Network Profile uploaded successfully.

Now you will run the upload script for the Advanced Network Profile Provisioning default network profile.

1. While still connected as the oracle user, run the script: $ perl

2. The screen will display the name of the log file for this session in the format ProvisionOCINetwork_<Date_and_Time_Stamp>.log,

3. You will now enter your details, substituting your own values for the example values shown:

Enter Network Profile JSON File Absolute Path : <Copy from Advanced Network Profile Profile JSON Path output by the previous command>
Enter User OCID : <Cloud_Manager_Admin_User_OCID>
Enter Absolute path of private key of API signing key : <OCI_API_Key_Path>
Enter Tenancy OCID : <Tenancy_OCID>
Enter Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Admin Password : < Cloud_Manager_Admin_Password>

4. When a profile has been updated, you will see a success message. Executing: ebscm_add_default_network_profile API for DEFAULT_PROFILE_ADVANCED  Executing Stored Procedure: ebscm_add_default_network_profile RetCode: 0 Row count: 0 Advanced Network Profile uploaded successfully.

Exercise 9: Provision Your Fresh Oracle E-Business Suite Environment

Purpose: Use the One-Click Provisioning feature of Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager to provision an Oracle E-Business Suite environment.

1 Log in to Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager,Navigate to your Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager application using the Login URL

On the Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Environments page, click Provision Environment and select One-Click.
2. Enter and select the following details for your new environment.
o Environment Name: ebsholenv1
o Purpose: Vision Demo Install
o EBS Version: 12.2.9
o DB Version:
3. Click Submit.
You can check the status of the activity to provision the environment in the Activities page. The provisioning process will take approximately 20-25 minutes.

Exercise 10: Enable and Set Oracle E-Business Suite Account Passwords

Perform the following steps:

1. SSH to the newly created environment by following the instructions under “Administrator Access” in section “Access Your Oracle E-Business Suite Environment”  in the Oracle by Example tutorial: Performing Post-Provisioning and Post-Cloning Tasks for Oracle E-Business Suite on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure.

2. As the oracle user, set the environment using the following command: $ . /u01/install/APPS/EBSapps.env run

3. To log in through the web interface, you must initially set a password of your choice for the SYSADMIN user. After the SYSADMIN user is active with the new password,  you can create new users or activate existing locked users. To enable the SYSADMIN user, run the following commands:

  $ sh /u01/install/APPS/scripts/
When prompted, enter a new password for the SYSADMIN user.
The SYSADMIN user can now connect to Oracle E-Business Suite through the web interface and create new users or activate existing locked users.

4. For this Vision demo environment, you can run another script to unlock a set of 36 application users that are typically used when demonstrating Oracle E-Business Suite using the Vision database.

$ sh /u01/install/APPS/scripts/

When prompted, enter a new password.
Do not run this script on a fresh or production environment.

For details about the default passwords set during installation, see Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2: Standard Installation, Oracle E-Business Suite  Installation Guide: Using Rapid Install Release 12.2 (12.2.0).

Exercise 11: Configure Local Hosts File and Log in to Oracle E-Business Suite

1. In the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure console, find the IP address for the Oracle E-Business Suite web entry point by navigating to Networking > Load  Balancers.

    2. On the Load Balancers page, you will find a load balancer named ebsholenv1-lbaas. Obtain the public IP address of this load balancer

    3. Edit the local hosts file on your laptop and add an entry.
a. For Windows users
i. Navigate to Notepad in your start menu.
ii. Hover over Notepad, right-click, and select the option “Run as Administrator.”
iii. In Notepad, navigate to File > Open.
iv. Browse to C:\\Windows\System32\drivers\etc
v. Find the file hosts
vi. In the hosts file, scroll down to the end of the content.
vii. Add the following entry to the very end of the file:

<ip_address> <fully_qualified_domain_name>

         viii. Save the file.

    4. Log in to Oracle E-Business Suite:

        a. In your browser, navigate to the following URL:      

           b. When prompted, accept the warning concerning the certificate coming from an unauthorized certificate authority as we are using a self-signed  certificate. (You will change the certificate with your own when executing this procedure outside of this hands-on lab.)

           c. On this page, you will log in to Oracle E-Business Suite.

Exercise 12: Clone Your Oracle E-Business Suite Environment

Purpose: Use the Cloning feature of Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager to clone your Oracle E-Business Suite environment.
1 Access the Clone Environment Page, Navigate to the Cloud Manager Environments page.
2. For ebsholenv1, click Action and select Clone.
1. Enter the following values for the clone details:
o Environment Name: ebsholenv2
o Source Apps Password: apps
o Source WebLogic Server password: welcome1
2. Choose Load Balancer as a Service (LBaaS) by selecting the Deploy New Load Balancer check box.
3. Then, you must also select a shape in the Load Balancer Shape field.
4. Select 100Mbps.
5. Enter these values for the following Web Entry properties.
o Protocol: https
o Hostname: ebsholenv2
o Domain:
o Port: 443
o Web Access IP/CIDR:
6. Click Submit.
7. You can check the status of the activity to clone the environment in the Activities page. The new environment is listed on the Environments page.
8. Configure Local Hosts File for the Cloned Environment and Log in to Oracle E-Business Suite(Repeat the Exercise 11)

Exercise 13: Now, Request for for training instructor to show the the demo the second part of the lift and shift process.

Here will explain more technical details how to shift and lift your on-premise Oracle EBS Suite to Oracle Cloud infrastructure environment


17+ years of experience in Oracle Database, Oracle Cloud Infrastructure(OCI), Oracle EBS on Cloud, Oracle E-Business Suite, DevOps tools, Oracle WebLogic, Oracle Application Server, Oracle Access Manager and various Operating System flavors including Redhat Linux, UNIX (Solaris, HP-UX) and Windows. Expert in Oracle9i/10g/11g/12c/19c database administration, upgrade, configuration and tuning. Experience in Oracle E-Business Suite technological stack, including architecture, installation, configuration, maintenance, tuning, cloning and patching procedures. Expert in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure(OCI), Oracle EBS On Cloud and Oracle EBS Cloud Manager Experience with Oracle Cloud Solution and Expert of Oracle ERP/Oracle HCM Cloud deployment Experience in Terraform, JSON and chef cloud infrastructure automation framework Knowledge of ASM, Data Guard, Real Application Cluster, Exadata and Exalogic Knowledge of Oracle Enterprise Manager(OEM) Grid Control, Oracle WebLogic, Oracle Internet Directory, Oracle Access Manager and Apache Ability to analyze problem, develops solutions and bring program/project execution to completion.

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