Post Clone Steps on EBS Environment

 Post Clone Steps on EBS Environment


1) Drop the Private Database link using apps user( ie these db link names are depend on your environment, just for example)

drop database link XXTEST.NIZAMAPPSDBA.COM;

drop database link XXTEST1.NIZAMAPPSDBA.COM;

2) Drop the Private Database link using sys user( ie these db link names are depend on your environment, just for example)

exec dropschema_dblinks('NIZAMAPPSDBA);

exec dropschema_dblinks('APPS');

3) Update the Worflow tables and FND table on Clone Environment(depend on your environment, just for example below)

Update apps.wf_systems (This should show the target Instance and not the source Instance)

select name,display_name from apps.wf_systems;

update apps.wf_systems set name=’<SID>’,display_name=’ <SID>.<hostname.domainname>’;


eg: update apps.wf_systems set name='TEST.NIZAMAPPSDBA.COM',display_name='TEST.AU123.NIZAMAPPSDBA.COM’;

update apps.wf_systems set name='UATTEST.NIZAMAPPSDBA.COM',display_name='UATEST.DX123.NIZAMAPPSDBA.COM’;

UPDATE wf_notifications SET status ='CLOSED',mail_status ='SENT', end_date ='26-JAN-16' WHERE mail_status in ('MAIL','INVALID','OPEN');

update wf_agents set address = replace (address,'PROD','DEV') ;

eg: update wf_agents set address = replace (address,'HRD','TEST') ;

update wf_agents set address = replace (address,'HRD','UATTEST') ;

select name ,display_name from wf_systems;





Update the target node in CM fnd_concurrent_queues table using below post_clone.sql script. values will be different and it is based on our environment



SET echo OFF

SET linesize 150

set verify off

SET show OFF

define Backup_date = "&Backup_Date"

UPDATE fnd_profile_option_values

SET profile_option_value = 'Production Copy '||'&BACKUP_DATE'

WHERE profile_option_id=125;

UPDATE fnd_concurrent_queues

SET node_name='TEST1243'

WHERE node_name in('PROD252','PROD253','PROD214','PROD215','PROD258','PROD259','PROD250','PROD251');

UPDATE fnd_concurrent_queues

SET node_name2='TEST1243'

WHERE node_name2 in('PROD252','PROD253','PROD214','PROD215','PROD258','PROD259','PROD250','PROD251');

UPDATE fnd_concurrent_queues

SET node_name2='TEST1243'

WHERE node_name2 in('PROD252','PROD253','PROD214','PROD215','PROD258','PROD259','PROD250','PROD251');

UPDATE fnd_concurrent_queues

SET target_node='TEST1243'

WHERE target_node in('PROD252','PROD253','PROD214','PROD215','PROD258','PROD259','PROD250','PROD251');

UPDATE fnd_concurrent_queues

SET target_node='TEST1243'

WHERE target_node in('PROD252','PROD253','PROD214','PROD215','PROD258','PROD259','PROD250','PROD251');


4) Cleaning the Clone Setup and Change the password in Clone Environment

FNDCPASS apps/****** 0 Y system/**** SYSTEM APPLSYS apps

FNDCPASS apps/***** 0 Y system/****** USER sysadmin Welcome123456789

perl $FND_TOP/patch/115/bin/


Run cmclean.sql

1. Change the value for context variables s_url_protocol, s_local_url_protocol,s_webentryurlprotocol in context file from https to http. 

3. Change the value of s_help_web_agent, s_login_page, s_external_url context variables to point to http url and the port in the url refers to s_webport.

4. Change the value of s_enable_sslterminator to -  <sslterminator oa_var="s_enable_sslterminator">#</sslterminator>  



Run adautocfg.sql in DB and Apps Tier

$FND_TOP/bin/ -script=SetSSOReg -removereferences=yes -appspass=apps

Run in DB and Apps Tier

Start the application services.

5) Profile change if SSO to disabled on Clone Environment


Application Authenticate Agent to NULL

Applications SSO Type to SSWA

Applications SSO Login Types to Local

Applications Single Sign On Hint Cookie Name to ORASSO_AUTH_HINT

Application SSO LDAP Synchronization to NULL

Applications SSO Auto Link User to NULL

Applications SSO User Creation and Updation Allowed to NULL


6) Disable_concurrent_request on Clone Environment


update fnd_concurrent_requests

set phase_code = 'C', status_code = 'X'

where status_code in ('Q','I','P','R')

and requested_start_date > SYSDATE

and hold_flag = 'N';

update fnd_concurrent_requests

set phase_code = 'C', status_code = 'X'

where requested_start_date > SYSDATE

and hold_flag = 'N';

update fnd_concurrent_requests

set phase_code = 'C', status_code = 'X';

define Backup_date = "&Backup_Date"

UPDATE fnd_profile_option_values

SET profile_option_value = 'Production Copy '||'&BACKUP_DATE'

WHERE profile_option_id=125;

7) Data Masking on Clone Environment, ie it depend on the evironment and organization requirement


login to database using HR schema, run below scripts

create table Per_all_people_f_nomask as select *from Per_all_people_f;

update Per_all_people_f

set full_name=dbms_random.string('U', 20),

first_name=dbms_random.string('U', 20),

last_name=dbms_random.string('U', 20),

middle_names=dbms_random.string('U', 20),

global_name=dbms_random.string('U', 20),

local_name=dbms_random.string('U', 20);

create table per_phones_nomask as select *from per_phones; 

update per_phones

set phone_number=trunc(dbms_random.value(1000000000,9999999999));

create table per_analysis_criteria_no_mask as select *from per_analysis_criteria; 

update per_analysis_criteria

set segment1=trunc(dbms_random.value(1000000000,9999999999)),




17+ years of experience in Oracle Database, Oracle Cloud Infrastructure(OCI), Oracle EBS on Cloud, Oracle E-Business Suite, DevOps tools, Oracle WebLogic, Oracle Application Server, Oracle Access Manager and various Operating System flavors including Redhat Linux, UNIX (Solaris, HP-UX) and Windows. Expert in Oracle9i/10g/11g/12c/19c database administration, upgrade, configuration and tuning. Experience in Oracle E-Business Suite technological stack, including architecture, installation, configuration, maintenance, tuning, cloning and patching procedures. Expert in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure(OCI), Oracle EBS On Cloud and Oracle EBS Cloud Manager Experience with Oracle Cloud Solution and Expert of Oracle ERP/Oracle HCM Cloud deployment Experience in Terraform, JSON and chef cloud infrastructure automation framework Knowledge of ASM, Data Guard, Real Application Cluster, Exadata and Exalogic Knowledge of Oracle Enterprise Manager(OEM) Grid Control, Oracle WebLogic, Oracle Internet Directory, Oracle Access Manager and Apache Ability to analyze problem, develops solutions and bring program/project execution to completion.

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