oracle.apps.fnd.formsClient.jnlp.Fnd .. ExitException: Your security settings have blocked a self-singned application from running

oracle.apps.fnd.formsClient.jnlp.Fnd .. ExitException: Your security settings have blocked a self-singned application from running

ExitException[ 3] Your security settings have blocked a self-signed application from running

at sun.plugin2.applet.JNLP2Manager.prepareLaunchFile(Unknown Source)

at sun.plugin2.applet.JNLP2Manager.loadJarFiles(Unknown Source)

at sun.plugin2.applet.Plugin2Manager$ Source)

at Source)


  1. Login to Oracle EBS Application servers using OS user(OS Owner of EBS Application file system)
  2.  Source the Run File System environment file.
  3. Run adadmin (provide SYSTEM and APPS password when prompted).
  4. Select Generate Applications Files.
  5. Select Generate product JAR Files.
  6. Type ALL for all products when prompted.
  7. Type Yes for the force generation of JAR files when prompted.
  8. Restart the Oracle EBS middle tier services.

-bash-5.0$ adadmin

                     Copyright (c) 2002, 2012 Oracle Corporation
                        Redwood Shores, California, USA

                   Oracle E-Business Suite AD Administration

                                 Version 12.2.0

NOTE: You may not use this utility for custom development
      unless you have written permission from Oracle Corporation.

Your default directory is '/erp_appl/apps/fs2/EBSapps/appl'.
Is this the correct APPL_TOP [Yes] ?

AD Administration records your AD Administration session in a text file
you specify.  Enter your AD Administration log file name or press [Return]
to accept the default file name shown in brackets.

Filename [adadmin.log] :

************* Start of AD Administration session *************
AD Administration version: 12.2.0
AD Administration started at: Fri Jan 27 2023 18:04:44

APPL_TOP is set to /erp_appl/apps/fs2/EBSapps/appl

You can be notified by email if a failure occurs.
Do you wish to activate this feature [No] ?

Please enter the batchsize [1000] :

Please enter the name of the Oracle E-Business Suite System that this
APPL_TOP belongs to.

The Applications System name must be unique across all Oracle
Applications Systems at your site, must be from 1 to 30 characters
long, may only contain alphanumeric and underscore characters,
and must start with a letter.

Sample Applications System names are: "prod", "test", "demo" and

Applications System Name [ERPDEV7] : ERPDEV7 *

NOTE: If you do not currently have certain types of files installed
in this APPL_TOP, you may not be able to perform certain tasks.

Example 1: If you don't have files used for installing or upgrading
the database installed in this area, you cannot install or upgrade
the database from this APPL_TOP.

Example 2: If you don't have forms files installed in this area, you cannot
generate them or run them from this APPL_TOP.

Example 3: If you don't have concurrent program files installed in this area,
you cannot relink concurrent programs or generate reports from this APPL_TOP.

Do you currently have files used for installing or upgrading the database
installed in this APPL_TOP [YES] ? YES *

Do you currently have Java and HTML files for HTML-based functionality
installed in this APPL_TOP [YES] ? YES *

Do you currently have Oracle E-Business Suite forms files installed
in this APPL_TOP [YES] ? YES *

Do you currently have concurrent program files installed
in this APPL_TOP [YES] ? YES *

Please enter the name Oracle E-Business Suite will use to identify this APPL_TOP.

The APPL_TOP name you select must be unique within an Oracle E-Business Suite
System, must be from 1 to 30 characters long, may only contain
alphanumeric and underscore characters, and must start with a letter.

Sample APPL_TOP Names are: "prod_all", "demo3_forms2", and "forms1".

APPL_TOP Name [au1637] : au1637 *

You are about to use or modify Oracle E-Business Suite product tables
in your ORACLE database 'ERPDEV7'
using ORACLE executables in '/erp_appl/apps/fs2/EBSapps/10.1.2'.

Is this the correct database [Yes] ?

AD Administration needs the password for your 'SYSTEM' ORACLE schema
in order to determine your installation configuration.

Enter the password for your 'SYSTEM' ORACLE schema:

The ORACLE username specified below for Application Object Library
uniquely identifies your existing product group: APPLSYS

Enter the ORACLE password of Application Object Library [APPS] :

AD Administration is verifying your username/password.

The status of various features in this run of AD Administration is:

                                           <-Feature version in->
Feature                          Active?   APPLTOP    Data model    Flags
------------------------------   -------   --------   -----------   -----------
CHECKFILE                        Yes       1          1             Y N N Y N Y
PREREQ                           Yes       6          6             Y N N Y N Y
CONCURRENT_SESSIONS              No        2          2             Y Y N Y Y N
PATCH_TIMING                     Yes       2          2             Y N N Y N Y
PATCH_HIST_IN_DB                 Yes       6          6             Y N N Y N Y
SCHEMA_SWAP                      Yes       1          1             Y N N Y Y Y
JAVA_WORKER                      Yes       1          1             Y N N Y N Y
CODELEVEL                        Yes       1          1             Y N N Y N Y

Identifier for the current session is 509858

Reading product information from file...

Reading language and territory information from file...

Reading language information from applUS.txt ...

Reading database to see what industry is currently installed.

Reading FND_LANGUAGES to see what is currently installed.
Currently, the following languages are installed:

Code   Language                                Status
----   --------------------------------------- ---------
US     American English                        Base
AR     Arabic                                  Install

Reading language information from applAR.txt ...

Your base language will be AMERICAN.

Your other languages to install are: ARABIC

Setting up module information.
Reading database for information about the modules.
Saving module information.
Reading database for information about the products.
Reading database for information about how products depend on each other.
Reading topfile.txt ...

Saving product information.

AD code level : [C.12]

*** Maintaining the Run File System (in Hotpatch mode) ***

*** Edition Enabled User ***

            AD Administration Main Menu

   1.    Generate Applications Files menu

   2.    Maintain Applications Files menu

   3.    Compile/Reload Applications Database Entities menu

   4.    Maintain Applications Database Entities menu

   5.    Exit AD Administration

Enter your choice [5] : 1

         Generate Applications Files

   1.    Generate message files

   2.    Generate form files

   3.    Generate report files

   4.    Generate product JAR files

   5.    Return to Main Menu

Enter your choice [5] : 4

Do you wish to force regeneration of all jar files? [No] ? yes

Forcing generation of all product jar files.
Creating and signing every jar file can take about thirty
minutes depending on the hardware being used.
You can watch the file /erp_appl/apps/fs_ne/EBSapps/log/adadmin/log/adadmin.log to see the progress of jar file generation.

 Recording Adadmin action :ADADMIN_GEN_JARS

  Signing product JAR files in  JAVA_TOP -
   using entity ERPDEV7_au1637 and certificate 1.

Successfully created javaVersionFile.

  Generating product JAR files in JAVA_TOP -
  /erp_appl/apps/fs2/EBSapps/comn/java/classes with command:

 adjava -mx512m -nojit @/erp_appl/apps/fs2/EBSapps/appl/admin/ERPDEV7/out/genjars.cmd

  Successfully generated product JAR files in  JAVA_TOP -

  Copying Registry.dat from the Forms Java directory to /erp_appl/apps/fs2/EBSapps/comn/java/classes ...

Generating customall.jar ...

customall.jar generated successfully.

   ** Updating ...

    Reading adjborg.txt...

No files listed in /erp_appl/apps/fs2/EBSapps/appl/admin/adjborg.txt
Ignoring ...
adjborg.txt file seems to be empty.

    Done reading adjborg.txt.
As adjborg.txt file is empty, skipping the  generation of

   ** Updating ...

    Reading adjborg2.txt...

No files listed in /erp_appl/apps/fs2/EBSapps/appl/admin/adjborg2.txt
Ignoring ...
adjborg.txt file seems to be empty.

    Done reading adjborg2.txt.
As adjborg2.txt file is empty, skipping the  generation of

Review the messages above, then press [Return] to continue.
 Recording Adadmin action :ADADMIN_GEN_JARS

Backing up restart files, if any......Done.

         Generate Applications Files

   1.    Generate message files

   2.    Generate form files

   3.    Generate report files

   4.    Generate product JAR files

   5.    Return to Main Menu

Enter your choice [5] :
            AD Administration Main Menu

   1.    Generate Applications Files menu

   2.    Maintain Applications Files menu

   3.    Compile/Reload Applications Database Entities menu

   4.    Maintain Applications Database Entities menu

   5.    Exit AD Administration

Enter your choice [5] : 5

Backing up restart files, if any......Done.

There is no timing information available for the current session.

AD Administration is complete.

Errors and warnings are listed in the log file

and in other log files in the same directory.



17+ years of experience in Oracle Database, Oracle Cloud Infrastructure(OCI), Oracle EBS on Cloud, Oracle E-Business Suite, DevOps tools, Oracle WebLogic, Oracle Application Server, Oracle Access Manager and various Operating System flavors including Redhat Linux, UNIX (Solaris, HP-UX) and Windows. Expert in Oracle9i/10g/11g/12c/19c database administration, upgrade, configuration and tuning. Experience in Oracle E-Business Suite technological stack, including architecture, installation, configuration, maintenance, tuning, cloning and patching procedures. Expert in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure(OCI), Oracle EBS On Cloud and Oracle EBS Cloud Manager Experience with Oracle Cloud Solution and Expert of Oracle ERP/Oracle HCM Cloud deployment Experience in Terraform, JSON and chef cloud infrastructure automation framework Knowledge of ASM, Data Guard, Real Application Cluster, Exadata and Exalogic Knowledge of Oracle Enterprise Manager(OEM) Grid Control, Oracle WebLogic, Oracle Internet Directory, Oracle Access Manager and Apache Ability to analyze problem, develops solutions and bring program/project execution to completion.

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